Biocoenzymated: The New Way to Take Your Supplements

There is a new form of vitamins that is hitting store shelves that you may want to know about. Is it called BioCoenzymated?

Coenzymated vitamins mean the different nutrients in the vitamin have been turned into their enzyme form so your body easily recognizes and absorbs them. One of the first line of products to see the transformation into Coenzymated is Natural Factors BioCoenzymated™ B Vitamins. The newest and most metabolically active form of B vitamins for direct use by the body!

Why consider the change to Coenzymated B Vitamins?

One of the most important considerations for B vitamins is bioavailability. B vitamins come in numerous forms, and standard forms need to undergo a series of conversions in your body to be used. Unfortunately, many people are unable to make these conversions. In fact, many have genetic variations that prevent them from benefitting from standard B vitamin supplements. For instance, up to 67% of the population can’t convert folic acid to its active form! Coenzymated B vitamins are metabolically active forms ready for immediate and direct use. So, there is no need for conversions or risk of having a genetic variation! Also, your body needs less to achieve the same benefits as its non-active counterparts.

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated™ B Vitamins Go Even Farther!

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated™ use their proprietary EnviroSimplex® technology, which uses a unique BioCoenzymated process using organic, farm fresh plant extracts from whole food sources, many of which are from Factors Farms® and the coenzyme form of B vitamins. The synergy between the phytochemicals found in these plant extracts and the coenzyme B vitamin optimizes absorption. No other B vitamins offer this unique delivery and processing system.

Take a look at the Natural Factors The BioCoenzymated™ family of B Vitamins!

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated ™ Active B Complex is a full-spectrum coenzyme B complex that features highly bioavailable B vitamins alongside Farm Fresh Factors, a bioenergetic blend of phytonutrients, for active support of energy metabolism.

Uses and benefits

  • Aids nutrient metabolism to support energy production in the body
  • It helps the body form red blood cells and tissues
  • It helps support average growth and development
  • It helps support liver function
  • It helps in the normal function of the immune system
  • It is suitable for vegetarians/vegans

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated ™Active Ultra Strength Active B Complex contains full-spectrum coenzyme B vitamins from Natural Factors in a higher-strength formula than their regular Active B Complex. It offers even better coenzyme forms and includes BioPQQ® to complement the action of B vitamins. This one-per-day, non-GMO formula is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and features Farm Fresh Factors, a bioenergetic blend of phytonutrients, for active support of energy metabolism.   

Uses and benefits

Includes BioPQQ® to complement the action of B vitamins

  • It helps maintain the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients
  • Contributes to increased energy production in the body
  • It helps form and maintain normal red blood cells and helps in the metabolism of iron
  • Supports the normal function of the immune system
  • Supports tissue formation and average growth and development
  • It helps maintain healthy hair, nails, mucous membranes, and skin
  • Suitable for vegetarians/vegans

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated ™ Active Vitamin B1 Benfotiamine plus Thiamine Diphosphate Benfotiamine is a superior source of thiamine as it provides 3.6 times the bioavailability of thiamine hydrochloride. This formula contains 150 mg of benfotiamine with sibutramine to support nerve function and energy metabolism B1 (Thiamine) helps the body make new cells, helps to protect the immune system, and helps break down simple carbs and metabolize food for energy. Get it from whole grains, peanuts, beans, spinach, kale, blackstrap molasses and wheat germ.

Uses and benefits

  • Supports the healthy function of nerves in individuals with polyneuropathy
  • Benfotiamine is fat-soluble and more bioavailable than water-soluble thiamine
  • It promotes average growth, nerve function, and energy production
  • It helps maintain the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients
  • It helps prevent thiamine deficiency
  • It is a critical coenzyme in glucose metabolism
  • Protects the body against advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
  • Suitable for vegetarians/vegans

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated ™ Active Vitamin B2 Riboflavin) is involved in most cellular enzymatic processes. It is vital for the synthesis, conversion, and recycling of niacin, folate, vitamin B6, and homocysteine and has direct antioxidant properties. It keeps your skin, the lining of your gut and blood cells healthy. It also helps to prevent free radical damage. Get it from almonds, wild rice, milk, yogurt, eggs, Brussels sprouts, spinach and soybeans.

Uses and benefits

  • Supports the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • It helps prevent riboflavin deficiency
  • Helps in tissue formation
  • A factor in the maintenance of good health
  • Helps produce hemoglobin and detoxification enzymes
  •  Essential for fatty acid metabolism in the brain
  •  Suitable for vegetarians/vegans

Natural Factors Active Vitamin B5 Pantethine Pantesin® is a high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade form of pantethine with an impressive portfolio of over 35 years of clinical research. Natural Factors Active B5 is an innovative formula that provides 450 mg of the bioactive coenzyme form of the vitamin. B5 (Pantothenic Acid) helps to break down fats and carbs for energy. It is responsible for the production of sex hormones and stress-related hormones. Get it from avocados, yogurt, eggs, meat and legumes, broccoli and kale.

Uses and benefits

  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels
  • Supports lipid metabolism
  • Helps support lower total and LDL cholesterol levels
  • A factor in the maintenance of good health
  • Converts carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy
  • Supports adrenal function

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated ™ Active Vitamin B6  Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate ® is an innovative one-per-day formula featuring 50 mg of Coenzymated vitamin B6 alongside Farm Fresh Factors  B6 (Pyridoxine) plays a significant role in enzymatic reactions in the body. It helps regulate homocysteine (associated with a healthy heart) and helps produce mood hormones such as serotonin, melatonin and norepinephrine. Vitamin B6 is also involved in brain development and plays a role in the body’s inflammatory response. Get it from chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, lentils, sunflower seeds, cheese, brown rice and carrots.

Uses and benefits

  • It helps prevent vitamin B6 deficiency
  • Helps in tissue formation
  • It may help alleviate premenstrual symptoms
  • It may help reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
  • Supports nervous and cardiovascular system function
  • Helps lower total and LDL cholesterol levels
  • Converts carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy
  • Supports adrenal function

Natural Factors BioCoenzymated ™ Active Vitamin B9 + B12 Methylfolate plus Methylcobalamin This dual formula features the active forms of folate (5-MTHF) and vitamin B12. 5-MTHF is a more bioavailable form than standard folic acid and folate. It is an innovative one-a-day formula that provides 1000 mcg of folate and 50 mcg of vitamin B12 to help prevent folate deficiency. Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) helps with depression, memory, the growth of an unborn child, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Get it from dark leafy greens, asparagus, beets, salmon, root vegetables, milk, bulgur wheat and beans.

Uses and benefits

  • It helps support normal early fetal development
  • It helps prevent folate deficiency
  • It helps produce red blood cells
  • Supports cardiovascular and neurological health
  • Sublingual tablet and suitable for vegetarians

BioCoenzymated ™ Active Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin & Dibencozide This unique formula provides a dynamic duo of the two superior forms of B12. Dibencozide is the primary active form of vitamin B12 in mitochondria (the powerhouses of every cell) and is essential for energy metabolism. Methylcobalamin is the primary active form of vitamin B12 in the blood. It is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, intracellular metabolism, and the synthesis of nucleic acid, which controls growth and cellular division, as well as for healthy brain and nerve development in childhood. B12 works with folic acid to produce red blood cells, increase the efficiency of iron, and create an oxygen-carrying protein and hemoglobin. It plays an essential role in nerve function and the production of DNA. Get it from fish, shellfish, dairy, eggs, beef and pork.

Uses and benefits

  • It helps support normal early fetal development
  • It helps prevent folate deficiency
  • It helps produce red blood cells
  • Supports energy metabolism
  • It helps in the normal function of the immune system
  • It helps prevent vitamin B12 deficiency
  • It helps maintain the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients
  • Essential for the formation of myelin, the fatty protective sheath around nerves
  • Sublingual tablet and suitable for vegetarians/vegans

Signs You Should Consider a B Complex 

B Vitamins are water-soluble, which means your body does not store them. It takes what it needs from the nutrients and foods you consume and excretes the rest through urine and sweat. Depending on how rich your diet is in the foods mentioned above, you may be getting adequate amounts of all the B Vitamins, but watch out for signs that you may be B Vitamin deficient. 

  • Anemia (insufficient red blood cells)
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Fatigue
  • Mouth sores
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting)
  • Numbness and tingling of the extremities
  • Restlessness
  • Skin rashes
  • Weakness

You may also want to consider a B Complex if you are vegan or vegetarian, pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, and do not take a prenatal vitamin that contains a B complex. You should also consider a complex if you have IBS and other malabsorption health concerns because you cannot get sufficient nutrients from the foods you eat. Older adults are more susceptible to deficiencies in many of the single sources of B. If you are under stress or have anxiety and sleep disorders, you can benefit from the combined effects of this supplement.  


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